28 September 2012

Gibber Gabber

Welcome to a new addition to my wonderfully unappreciated blog.

You know, I was looking at my blog the other day and I realized something. I have made more posts this year than all the other years combined. In fact, with this post, I have made as many posts this month as the last three years together. I guess I am starting to get the hang of posting on a regular basis now. Maybe.

Anyways, on with the post...

This is just a quick post for those of you who are interested in what is going on in my life. I ran some errands today. Thought of some ideas and threw them all out as being too silly or just plain dumb. I mean, do you really think I could get a pink tutu on an elephant. I mean, come on, it would require a lot of material and thread...although, maybe if I could find someone willing to do a lot of sewing....nah, not feasible. I will have to rework my plans, maybe drop this step and move this one over here...Oh, you are still here. Um, yeah, where was I...

Actually, it has been  kind of a boring little week for me. Took my mom to the airport so she could go and help my sister out with her new addition to the family. Well, the one that is on the way anyways. It should be here soon. Hopefully. You know how nobody but the baby has a say as to when it is time. But it is suppose to be soon, I just don't remember exactly when. I am a man. Stuff like that isn't important...no that isn't right...then again, maybe it was told to me while I was watching TV. Anyways, I am looking forward to getting another...umm...niece or nephew...something else that must have been told to me while I was distracted...oh look, a butterfly...sorry, back to the topic.

My mom's in Oklahoma and I have had a boring week. I did find out that I am still able to look forward to going to training class to become a manager at Whataburger. I am just not completely certain if I will be returning to my current store or if I will be moved to a new one when it is completed. They transferred in a new manager last week after I had talked to the AM (area manager) about training. Then, earlier this week he talked to me again to let me know that I was still going to be trained but it would be up to my GM (general manager, also see store manager) which of the managers would be transferred out if any. He said they could run the store with five managers. Riiiight. We shall see. They also said that I would begin training either at the beginning of next quarter or the mid point of the quarter. Since the quarter starts in Oct (which is three days away) and nothing has been said to me yet, I think it is safe to assume it will be mid quarter (or Nov). Hopefully.

I am also still smashing my head against the wall in order to determine which of the many worlds running through my mind I am going to use for my writing/programming project. I have narrowed it down to two choices: Project Nuarth and Project Generation Demigod (though I am sure I have mentioned this before). They are both kinda similar but different in genre. Nuarth is pure fantasy and Gen Demi is fantasy/si fi/superhero/whatever else I feel like. I am working on my first game that I will allow everyone to see. It is going to be called 'The Rose Angel Princess VS the Troll Princess' (quiet Phil, no comments are allowed unless you want to be the troll princess...that goes for you too Eric). This game is more for my daughter than anyone else and it will be taking place in my world (which ever that turns out to be). It won't be a very long game, but hopefully it won't be bad. I am going to post it on the web page that I will eventually set up for myself so anyone who wants to can download it and give it a try.

And on a final note, I am working on a post to review a book that I just recently read. It was very good and I even read it in record time (for me anyways). So look for that to post within the next few days. Hopefully by Sunday.

Write at you later.

25 September 2012

Take the Star Trek Test

I just missed being Data, and I so do want to be human. But, I think I can live with being LaForge, though I would like to be able to see without the visor.

Your results:
You are Geordi LaForge
Geordi LaForge
Beverly Crusher
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Jean-Luc Picard
Mr. Scott
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Mr. Sulu
Will Riker
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Deanna Troi
You work well with others and often
fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...

14 September 2012

Update on me

Okay. I thought that I would post a quick update on my intentions since I have changed them (yet again). I know, I know, I need to stop doing this. And I believe that this is the reason I haven't finished 4 novels by now. I just have a little trouble staying focused. I keep thinking of new things and that is what I try to do. That is what I am hoping to accomplish with this blog. I want to keep a record of my progress and hopefully that will keep me focused. Anyways, on to the update.

I know I was suppose to be writing a fan fiction based off of my playing the game Fable and I haven't posted an episode since August. Well, I ran into a few snags with that. First off,  I got distracted from even playing the game for a few weeks. I downloaded a game engine, Engine 001, and I began messing around with it. It is pretty cool and I am going to start working on a RPG based in my world of Nuarth. I plan on posting the updates on its progress here. More on that later though. Second, the game started freezing up on me. The first time it froze up, I lost a lot of game time. I had played for over an hour since the last time I had saved it. I had my notes up to that point, but with the lost data I really couldn't write anything based off of that. I tried to play it again, but it froze on me again. I knew I might have to contend with that, but I had never had this big of an issue with it before.

So, I am going to stop trying to write the story now. I have been debating whether to start using another game for the story or just go with one of my own ideas. I have also decided to just drop the other blog. I figure that I should just work on getting this blog going on a regular basis first before I add another blog to worry about. I mean, one blog with just a few hits per post is better than multiple blogs with only a couple of hits per post per blog. At lease for my ego. I didn't just delete the only posting on that blog, I did re-post it here for posterity's sake.

So, this blog is going to be my one and only for now. All postings for games, reviews, stories, updates, news, and/or silliness I will post here. If you are interested in following my further attempts to become (in)famous, you can just follow me on Facebook or Google+ as I announce it there when I make a new post. Or, you can drop me an email and I will add you to the list of people that I notify through email. I will just need your email address. Until next time...

Write you later.

10 September 2012

Re-posting of my game fan fic...

It is finally over! I have finally completed my training at the Hero's Guild. I must say that I was a little disappointed with the Guildmaster. All those years of seclusion here and when it is all over, what do I get? 'Here's some food, there's the door. Good Luck!' Bah! I guess no one will help me but me. Anyways, I am finally getting to go out and find these bandits that killed my family. I just hope they are still around so I can exact my revenge...

* * *

Baligar stood outside the Hero's Guild and looked around. How many years had gone by since he was last on this side of the door? Too many to really care about. The place hadn't changed all that much in that time. Almost directly in front of him was a particularly impressive looking stone stage. Well, at least it had been impressive looking when he last saw it all those years ago. Now it just looked old and dusty.

He had learned the purpose of the stage since coming to the Guild, maybe that is what had broke some of the wonder he had first felt when seeing it. Some of the heroes would boast about how great they were and how easily the could complete a certain job they were on. Then some of the villager that were always around would be able to bet against the hero if they didn't think he could do it. It didn't look like any hero had boasted for a while.

Off to his left sat the merchant cart with a group of villagers crowded around looking at the wares on display. Those villagers, and the few that were hovering around the gate, were nothing more than hero fans. Just hanging out in the hope that they would get to catch a glimpse of their favorite hero as he came or left, maybe even hoping to catch more than just a glimpse.

Most of them probably didn't even realize that no hero really had any need to walk out the gate, except for the new heroes like Baligar. He looked down at the tattoo on the back of his hand. This tattoo had been magically placed there by the Guild and it was suppose to allow him to teleport back to the Guild whenever he wanted to. The Guild had also set up these teleport stones in all of the cities and villages across Albion, that once he touched his tattoo to, could be used to teleport to the location. So there was really no need to use the gates at all. Unless you were a narcissist.

As Baligar looked up from his hand, he noticed a man, dressed in the typical peasant garb, running towards him. The man stopped in front and grabbed at his side while he took in deep breaths of air.

“You,” the man said between gasps. “You are a Hero, right? We need your help! They are everywhere!”

Baligar was about to dismiss the poor man but he saw desperation and fear in the guy's face, and he felt a pull, that he could not explain, to help the man. All those years of harboring hate and determination to see the men who had killed his family pay with their blood, the sole purpose for his time spent training, and here a stranger could run up and make him want to help. Maybe it was the fear and desperation he remembered feeling when he found his father lying on the ground that was causing this. Whatever it was, he knew then and there that he would do what he could to help this man.

“What is it?” Baligar placed his hand on the villager's shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. “Who is everywhere?”

“The wasps.” Baligar could feel some of the tension leave the man's body. “Giant wasps are attacking the picnic area. My friends are still there. Please help us.”

“It's okay.” Baligar gave him his best reassuring smile. “I will save your friends. Show me where they are.”

The man smiled, nodded his head, and ran back the way he had came. One glance back over his shoulder was all the reassurance the man needed that the hero was following. Baligar took the time to contemplate what was to come. Giant wasps couldn't be anymore difficult to deal with then the large beetles he had to fight during his training days. He would go and kill these bugs and gain some respect from these peasants. It wouldn't be a total waste to help them. Doing this would probably even get him recognized by others as word spread about this deed. And that would help loosen lips, making it easier to track down the people he really wanted to test his skills on.

It didn't take long to get to the picnic area, or would it have been difficult for him to find it. People were running from the place and screaming as if the devil himself was after them. All this fuss for a few flying bugs. Baligar just shook his head and laughed to himself. Maybe this would be better than he thought. The man had stopped and looked towards area, craning his neck as he tried to find his friends in the crowd. Baligar ran past him drawing his sword as he scanned the area.

There were only a couple of people left running around as wasps the size of medium chased them. There were a couple of people lying on the ground near the picnic tables. Baligar wasn't sure if they were alive or dead since he didn't see any movement coming from them. His attention was then drawn to the group of wasps that were circling overhead. The wasps also noticed Baligar and several dived towards him.

Wasting no time, Baligar charged towards the wasps, drawing the attention of the ones chasing the villagers, and began swinging his sword. The flying insects were as little threat to him as he had expected as his sword effortlessly passed through wasp after wasp. It took very little time before he had chopped all the wasps threatening him in half, leaving their bodies twitching on the ground. He turned and started to put away his sword when a loud buzzing caused him to stop.

Baligar slowly turned around and saw a wasp the size of a horse hovering behind him. He really couldn't say for certain, but he got a feeling the the giant bug was very angry at him. Before the bug could make a move, Baligar pointed his hand at the creature and called out the spell he had been taught during his training.

Gnitnghil!” he shouted.

Lightning lept from his finger tips and arced into the bug. An ear splitting screeched filled the air as the wasp threw back its head in pain. Baligar returned the favor and charged straight at the insect, going into a roll at the last moment. He dove under the wasp and came up into a crouching position extending his arms and felt his sword skittering across the hardened shell of the creature. He stood up and turned to face the wasp. He was shocked to find the wasp had already turned and was streaking through the air towards him. It began flying in a tight circle, almost like it was trying to start a tornado, bashing him several times before he got his sword up. He felt the sword bite into the creatures flesh this time.

The giant wasp stopped and let out another screech, this time causing several of the smaller wasps that were still circling overhead to descend and attack the hero. Again, the smaller versions proved to be no match for Baligar and his sword. Unfortunately, they distracted Baligar long enough for the giant wasp to begin another tornado attack, this one knocking him down to the ground.

Baligar pushed himself back to his feet as the wasp came to a stop in front of him. He knew that a frontal assault wouldn't work but he didn't think he could get around behind the creature before it started another tornado attack. He needed a way to get past the creature before it could react. As the wasp let out another screech, he started seeing words forming in his mind. Words that held power and then the meaning of those words came to him. The words were a new spell.

Baligar charged as a new wave of small wasps descended. He sliced through them and brought forth the mana he needed to power the spell.

Hsur Nissassa!

The world suddenly blurred all around him. But only for a second. When everything righted itself again, he was standing right behind the giant wasp. Without a second thought, Baligar brought his sword down across the creatures back, causing it to screech in pain again. As its head arched backwards, he reversed his swing and lopped off the head of the creature.

As the body fell to the ground, twitching and curling up like all dead insects do, Baligar looked up and saw the cloud of wasps overhead begin to break up and disperse. He wiped his blade of the bug ichor in the grass and sheathed it. That was when the villagers began walking down the path clapping their hands and shouting cheers. He started walking towards the group and was about to tell them to go home when he got a piercing headache.

Baligar.” It was the guildmaster. He had forgotten the other function of the tattoo he had received. It allowed the guildmaster to communicate with him. “Maze has some important information for you. Meet him by the tavern in Bowerstone.