Alright, the results of the poll for
which game am I going to do a character story on are in. And the
winner of my first poll is . . . {que drum roll} . . .
Nobody! Ta Da!
That is right. There was no clear
winner. In fact, there were only three votes placed in the last week.
I was hoping for a few more since I posted (twice) to my Facebook
account asking my friends and family to vote. But I guess they were
all too busy with their own lives. Don't worry, I am not bitter about
it. After all, it's not like I hang on every post they make. I guess
it just goes to so you that most people on Facebook are your friend
just so they can say 'Look at how many friends I have on Facebook!'
But, truly, I am not bitter about it.
Anyways, now that my ranting is done. I
would like to thank the three people who did vote, though I am not
sure if they even read this blog. But I shall thank them anyways. And
now I will reveal what the poll results are.
Like I said, I had three votes. One
vote for Fable, one vote for Two Worlds, and one vote for Elder
Scrolls: Oblivion. See, no clear winner. Just a clear loser. Dragon
Age: Origins didn't get any votes. Poor Dragon Age. Better luck next
time. Yes, there will be a next time. After I complete the current
game (I will tell you which one of the three it is, since I will be
casting the deciding vote) I will run the poll again replacing the
completed game with another choice. Most likely it will the sequel as
I do have the sequels to all the games listed. And since I can't do
this postings for all three games at once (well, I probably could but
I don't think Sharrice (that's my wife for those of you who don't
know) would approve of that, she says I play too much as it is) I
will have to cast the deciding vote.
And I choose . . . {que drum roll
again} . . .
Congratulations Fable. It couldn't have
happened to a nicer game.
You may ask what made me pick this one
and honestly I am not sure. I had thought about which one I would
chose after I received my second vote on Sunday. Fable is the one I
decided to chose then, and I even worked on the beginning post since
I have played it a bit. I had almost changed my mind this evening to
Dragon Age just to throw you all a curve ball. But I had decided to
go with whatever was chosen in the vote, and since Dragon Age wasn't
chosen I stuck with my original decision. Incidentally, the first
vote received was for Fable, so maybe that had a part in my decision.
So, I will use Sunday to play the game
for a few hours, taking notes the whole time. I will then write up
the entry as if my character was making an entry into his journal.
Since it is Fable I am playing and I don't get to make many character
choices at the start, just whether to follow the good or evil path
during the game, I will make the first post of the story on Wednesday
and follow that up every Wednesday until I am completed.
I am going to try to make another
general post on Saturdays and I have even been toying with the idea
of posting some reviews on another day. I hadn't decided much about
these reviews mainly because when I am enjoying a story or movie or
game or whatever, I get into this whatever and find it hard to keep a
critical eye. If I am not enjoying it I don't always finish whatever
it is. But I do need to develop my review skill, especially with the
plans I have set before myself. So, I will probably try this. These
posting will most likely come at least once a month. I am not sure if
I can do once a week yet. We shall see what comes.
Anyways, I think I will end this post
here. It has gone on long enough. I will see what I can come up with
for Saturday (what was it I thought of last week, hmm, I will have
to check the last post). But if not, be sure to check back next
Wednesday for the first post in my Fable story.
Write you later.